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“Identity is cause; brand is effect & the strength of the former influences the strength of the latter.”  - Larry Ackerman

Brief intro

The brand identity is best understood as the replica of an organization’s own identity as it represents how an organization is perceived in the market.  Our research has revealed that brand identity consists of noticeable elements which include not only the visual components (logo, colors, packaging, signage, websites etc.)  but verbal components (vision, mission, slogans, ad content etc.) as well to ensure that our client’s corporate image is cohesive and consistent.

Why is it important?
- To establish strong associations, both mental and functional, with the brand to drive               differentiation in the market.
- Unique brand identity forms a perception, a personality and a position in your consumer’s          mind shaping the success or failure of your brand.
- It augments organization’s bottom-line through improved brand awareness, brand loyalty,         brand preference and usage.
- It boosts the morale and commitment of the employees as they feel personal association with     the brand.

What we do?

- We at Woow initiate the process of brand identity with identifying and understanding of your set up,  product/service and your target audience.
- Our use of  idea generation method help define brand strategy,  postioning strategy and client touch identification.Idea GenerationDesign developementExecutions points.
- Our design department works relentlessly towards creating brand identity and architecture using visual and verbal strategy to provide the most effective solutions.
- Successful execution is the heart of any project. We assure that the entire process is done through internal communication, replacing ongoing ad campaign and establishing standard processes and guidelines to avoid obstacles.
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